Eyes Up Appalachia
To create opportunities for Appalachian Ohio’s citizens and communities by inspiring and supporting philanthropy.
That is the mission statement of one of our previous clients, Eyes Up Appalachia. Eyes Up Appalachia is a nonprofit based out of Ohio that aims to raise awareness for and prevent human trafifkcing, especially in the Appalachian region of the U.S.
Design ThinkTank has been enlisted to address issues of scale and implementation relating to the prevention of human trafficking. Our team has been working hard to learn about the root causes of trafficking in Appalachian Ohio, and the various ways to undertake an awareness campaign that reaches the underserved communities that have been hit hardest by the impacts of human trafficking.
We are incredibly grateful to have partnered with such a passionate organization and address such a powerful social issue. Our team used our research and the design thinking process to create a plan for an outreach program in high schools and local communities, as well as creating social media templates that the non-profit can use to raise awareness online.
Our team learned so much about this issue that permeates every region of the U.S, and we are proud of the work we did to create a solution that is scalable, sustainable, and can realistically address human trafficking in Appalachian Ohio and beyond.