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3Tree Project


Spring 2021

Previously, we partnered with 3Tree, a startup aiming to "propagate sustainable living by inspiring individuals to create a ripple effect through community action." We are helping them answer two core questions:


How can 3Tree bring in revenue to continue spreading their mission and invest in sustainable development?




How can 3Tree inspire user to feel a sense of accountability when building their habits and a "pay it forward" mindset?

Business Strategy

Emotional Buy-in


In our empathize phase, we conducted interviews with the intended audience for the app, developing a sense of the future user's sustainability habits. Was there an appetite for adding sustainable habits to peoples' lives? What do they do now to protect the environment? What motivates them to do so?


From these interviews, we gained a deeper understanding of what motivates people to be environmentally friendly and, conversely, what prevents people from adopting sustainable habits.

3Tree empathize 1.jpg
3Tree empathize 2.jpg

Using the insights from our interviews, we developed a series of "How Might We" questions. These questions helped frame the rest of our work by giving each project group a specific goal to achieve.


Define statements allow us to recenter ourselves in the problem we aim to solve. These can often be unexpected, as we base them off of our interview findings, not our preconceived notions about a given problem.


Led by our define statement, our team started brainstorming ideas to address the problem. We used various methods of ideation, such as mentor brands, "worst" ideas, and more!


We were able to generate a large volume of ideas which we then narrowed down to fit the scope of our project. Using a feasibility matrix, we determined which ideas would provide the most benefit at the lowest cost and in the most realistic time frame.


Using a combination of our best ideas, we presented 3Tree with our final projects for implementation. 


We came up with ideas to improve user growth, empower users to adopt sustainable habits, incentivize eco-friendliness, and monetize the app to ensure long-term growth.


We allowed for flexibility for the 3Tree team to build and improve upon throughout the Test phase of design thinking!


Overall this was a great project for our team to collaborate on, and we are so happy that we were able to work with such a passionate group! We loved to put design thinking to work to drive human-centered solutions!

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